Strobl Pumpen is Your partner for centrifugal pumps. We offer reliable pumps for all fields of conveying liquids. The best solution of your pumping problem is our aim. Therefore, we supply as well complete installations or packages.
Since our founding in 2006 we developed from a niche vendor to a highly specialised partner for machine and installation construction. Excellent quality is our aspiration, with our products you decide to head for constantly high quality. This is highlighted by our production in Germany, our makes are truly „Made in Germany“.
Our pump series meanwhile cover different industries and applications, from sewage water and drainage pumps in municipal use, over compact pumps for installations and vehicles to highly specialised pumps for the chemical, oil and gas industry. Our main aim is to obtain highest technical demands and customers’ requests from beginning of development to creation of final products. This is the major commonality of all our pumps. Continuous development of our products and expansion with new complementing product series will determine our future actions.

We are an owner-managed family enterprise. Our company is located in Hilpoltstein, close to Nuremberg and therefore in the heart of Bavaria. Since 2010 our headquarters are in the industrial area Am Kränzleinsberg. The office building with fabrication hall and big test bed has already been enlarged in 2016 by another hall. 2019 we added a deep bore hole to the test bed, which allows testing of pumps with a length of up to 35 m, and in 2020 we moved into the outbuilding of the yet existing office edifice.