January 17 2024

We are now member of “Familienpakt Bayern”

To us a major aim is to establish a family-friendly workplace sustainably. Therefore, we want to contribute in conviction and decided that we join the “Familienpakt Bayern”. This platform offers us as a company information as well as examples for actual measures that career and family can be combined ideally for every employee.

To sharpen cognation of the future theme compatibility of career and family in economical context, Bavarian government, Bavarian Industrie- und Handelskammertag e. V. (BIHK), the Union of Bavarian Economy e. V. and Bavarian Handwerkstag (BHT) founded in 2015 the “Familienpakt Bayern”. Bavarian employers gain new impulses, professional information, and practical aid to increase their internal family-friendliness. In addition, the “Familienpakt Bayern” enables companies to connect with each other and to share experiences with the challenges of family-friendly staffing policy.

Here at Strobl Pumpen, we already implemented some points. We offer a flexible individual work schedule, parent-child-office room or short-term mobile work in case of closed child care facilities and an early and balanced planning of re-entry.